A.K.A More Plates More Dates
Derek is mostly known as Derek Van moreplatesmoredatesdotcom. People might take “van” as his last name, but it is just a way of saying “from.” Darth Vader is supposed to be his other name.
Derek is an entrepreneur who has built a presence in the self-improvement and fitness niches via his blog and social media platforms (most notable being his YouTube channel). He is often talked about widely in the fitness industry and has been a guest on a number of podcasts.
Derek is considered controversial due to his stance on PEDs (performance Enhancing Drugs) and for his 'Natty or Not' content which are usualy videos where he gives his opinion on whether other fitness influcneres and body builders are on PEDs or not.
Derek is probably the closest thing to an 'Agony uncle' for young men there is, which if your reading this Derek (and we don't think for one second that your are) we mean as a compliment. There seems to be a shortage of good role models for younger men to look up to in this day and age and whether you agree or disagree with him one thing you have to admin is that Derek tries his best to give frank and honest advice about various subjects many are interested in but too scared to talk openly about.
Derek has a website where he offers services, information and resources related to topics such as bodybuilding, diet, dating, hair loss, Male enhancement, supplements, etc.
Instagram: @moreplatesmoredates