'Influencers in social media are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic.'
If only the above statement were true, then perhaps the fitness, wellness and general health industries wouldn't be in the sorry state they're in. Don't believe us? then why not check out one of the video below by Josh Brett (who happens to be made by an influencer we have no problem endorsing lol.)
But it's not all doom and gloom, we have tried to put together a list of influencers who we have learnt from, and we believe do not push false or dangerous information.
This list of course doesn't show ever great influencers out there and the people shown probably don't even know they have even made our list of 'INFLUENCERS WHO INFLUENCED US' nor have they asked us or paid to be included (we aren't big enough influencers to get offered such bribes lol.)