As the name implies, dietary or nutritional supplements are any product that aims to ‘supplement’ the diet with nutrients that could potentially be missing.
Millions of people take sports supplements hoping for a range of health benefits, from weight loss to muscle building. But some supplements are being sold illegally and can be very harmful. Sports supplements have become increasingly popular among gym-goers.
People interested in fitness and improving their physique may opt for supplements that can enhance their muscle growth when combined with exercise, such as weightlifting. They may also look for ways to control their appetite when they're trying to lose weight as part of a bodybuilding diet. There is a growing industry in sports nutrition supplements available on the high street and online.
most common supplements
Below you can find information about some of the most popular and well known supplements used for both Health &Fitness.

UK drug regulator the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has warned people to be wary of buying illegal sports supplements, as they might contain dangerous ingredients that could cause kidney failure, seizures and heart problems.
If you are interested in finding out more about the darker side of the supplements industry and 'Performance Enhancing Drugs' then click the button below to see more.

supplement Fraud
There is a considerable amount of fraud in the supplement industry and we highly recommend watching the video below by Health & Fitness content creator JOSH BRETT.
Josh make some excellent points in this video and we highly recommend you checkout his YouTube channel .
Please note Josh Brett is in no way affiliated with our company, and this is just a video recommendation, although we would always be happy to work with him in the future.