'Some' Story
I never grew up wanting to be a personal trainer, health coach or really anything related to the fitness industry. When I was a teenager I wanted to be ‘Head of Robotics at Bristol University’, to be fair this was after we watched a ‘careers in science video’ when I was in the last few years of secondary school.
I was a total nerd in school, and was the stereotypical softly spoken quiet kid who used to like computers and would build robots and random things instead of going out doing what the ‘cool kids’ were doing (drinking alco-pops down the local park, from what I remember lol.)
I never really fitted in back then and I don’t really fit in now. The difference between now and then though, is that now I embrace my differences, now I like the person I am, and now I don’t try to fit in with others.
It’s a strange thing ‘fitting in’ as to most it seems to involve having to become someone you aren’t in fear of being separated from the herd. These days I wouldn’t consider myself a loner and have built my own herd. Friends I can trust and rely on to support me, who appreciate my eccentricities, and to tell me when I'm being a complete dick lol.
You may be asking yourself how I went from wanting to build robots for a living to running a health & fitness business and the answer to that is probably best summed up with me saying. “I’m dumb and get pissed of easily”, no I know what your thinking, “Liam didn’t you just say something about being happy and self-empowered, why would you call yourself dumb”?
The answer to that I suppose is that I am self-empowered now and I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing (that's a Socrates quote by the way.)
Psychologists and psychobabblers often talk about what a massive impact childhood has on adult life and after careful reflection I would agree. If I had a different childhood I would certainly be in a different place, physically, mentally, romantically, financially and eductionwise, One of the biggest impacts on my life looking back can be summed up funnily enough by the word ‘Some’ and this is one of the reasons I choose this word to be a big part of the ‘Some Health & Fitness Company’ brand.
Before I tell you the story about me and the word ‘Some’ let me first tell you what I'm trying to do here with this website. You see I am passionate about health & fitness, it’s so essential to living a healthy balanced life and I have met so many people in this world who suffer from things which can be prevented if only they had the strength and wisdom to embrace a healthy lifestyle change.
I don’t take myself to seriously (unlike many health & fitness personalities and influencers you’ll see on social media) and I have noticed there is a lot of fraud in the health and fitness industry, from silly fake supplements, being sold, which are ‘scientifically proven’ but which don’t do anything, juiced up (steroids) fitness pretty guys and gals, who use jealousy, pictures of them flexing their arms, abs & bums to sell 'cookie cutter' training programs at ridiculous prices.
I hate the health & fitness industry, because it can cause so much harm, I’ll be the first to admit I've been led astray and have wasted hard earned money trying to learn the secrets to how to build a super physique worthy of the Men’s Health Cover, in the quickest time possible.
Don’t get me wrong there are some really great people in the fitness industry however I can’t help but feel these people are being overshadowed by vile fitness villains.
I’m not the strongest, smartest, fittest, or most knowledgeable about health or fitness but I, like you, I am on a health & fitness journey and this website is my way of trying to help others along their way and to make myself a bit of money in the process. I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t a business and that I'm just putting all this info out due to the kindness of my own heart. I want you to get to know me, like me and choose me to be your Personal Trainer / Health & Fitness Coach if you ever eventually decide to hire one.
If you want to know ‘Some Story’ about why I chose this word to build a brand around then watch the video below.