Obliques & Hip Flexors
Oblique exercises involve rotational and lateral movements of the trunk. The oblique muscles are recognizable on the sides of the stomach when you build them up and reduce your body fat. The hip muscles are known as the abductors and they consist of the glutes and tensor fascia lata.
Flutter Kicks
Body Weight
Strength Standards
Beginner - <1
Novice - 14
Intermediate - 43
Advanced - 79
Elite - 121
Based on an 80kg Male Lifter, for more strength standards we recommend you visit strengthlevel.com
Lie down on your back, facing up.
Place both your hands underneath your buttocks.
Keep your lower back on the ground as you lift the right leg off the ground slightly past hip height, and lift the left leg so it hovers a few inches off the floor.
Hold for 2 seconds, then switch the position of the legs, making a flutter kick motion.
For more of a challenge, lift your head and neck off the floor.
Repeat this motion for up to 30 seconds.
Flutter kicks are an exercise that works the muscles of your core, specifically the lower rectus abdominal muscles, plus the hip flexors.
Body Weight
Start in a press-up position.
Bend your elbows until your forearms are on the floor beneath your shoulders so your body is in a straight line from your feet to your head.
Keep your abs tight and look at the space between your hands to ensure a neutral spine position.
Hold the position for as long as you can.
If you need to make the exercise easier you can do Planks 'from the knee' .
If you can do this for 2 mins then many trainers would suggest moving on to doing side planks!
Bicycle Crunch
Body Weight
Strength Standards
Beginner - <1
Novice - 12
Intermediate - 34
Advanced - 61
Elite - 91
Based on an 80kg Male Lifter, for more strength standards we recommend you visit strengthlevel.com
Lie on your back on the floor (or, preferably, on a mat for some support). Press your lower back into the floor and bend knees while keeping feet flat on the floor.
Place hands behind head, interlacing fingers if preferred. Keep elbows wide and gently cradle your head in your hands.
Bring your knees up, with shins parallel to the floor, as you lift shoulder blades off the floor. (Be careful not to strain or pull on your neck.)
As you straighten left leg out at about a 45-degree angle, turn your upper body to the right, bringing left elbow toward right knee. (Make sure the movement comes from your rib cage, not just your elbows.)
Return to center, with both knees bent and elbows wide.
Repeat on the other side: Straighten right leg to a 45-degree angle and turn your upper body to the left, bringing right elbow toward left knee.
Return to the starting position to complete 1 rep.
One of the best ways to make ab workouts harder is to slow down the speed of the movement.
Wood Chop
Strength Standards (1RM)
Beginner - 4 kg
Novice - 13 kg
Intermediate - 28 kg
Advanced - 49 kg
Elite - 75 kg
Based on an 80kg Male Lifter, for more strength standards we recommend you visit strengthlevel.com
Pull the handle downward and diagonally across the body slowly, until it passes the opposite thigh. Rotate the entire torso during the pull and keep the arms fully extended throughout the movement.
Hold for a count of one or two.
Perform the movement in reverse, returning the cable handle to the starting position.
To make it more effective, perform it slowly and with control.