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Herbal Medicine

What is Herbal Medicine?

Herbal medicine is medicine made from plants (sometimes fungal and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts), either the whole plant or sometimes parts of it, for example leaves, flowers, roots or bark.  It has been the main source of medicine used by people for thousands of years.


Many modern drugs were originally extracted from plant sources, even if they’re now made synthetically. Whereas conventional medicine now tries to use only the active ingredient of a plant.

Rosemary for herbal medicine
herbal medicine making
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A herbal is a book containing the names and descriptions of plants, usually with information on their:


medicinal, tonicculinarytoxichallucinatoryaromatic, and the legends associated with them.

Is Herbal Medicine Safe?

Just like conventional medicines, herbal medicines will have an effect on the body, and can be potentially harmful if not used correctly, however generally speaking, herbal remedies are safe but you should be aware of possible side-effects. Some herbal remedies may also interact with your prescribed medication.


A new system for regulation of traditional herbal medicines was introduced in May 2014. This is administered by a government agency, the MHRA. It requires that herbal medicines marketed in the UK have a history of traditional use, are of good quality and are safe, so be careful when buying Herbal Medicines and Supplements from retailers both online and on the high street.

What is a herbalist?

Medical herbalists make use of plants whose traditional uses are backed up by modern scientific research and clinical trials, however it’s worth noting that the title of ‘herbalist’ is not a protected word and technically anyone can call themselves a herbalist in the UK. That being said there are a number of professional institutions available for herbalists who hold a BSc degree or equivalent in Herbal Medicine, have studied orthodox medicine as well as plant medicine and are trained in the same diagnostic skills as a GP to join, but there are many people who both study and practice herbalism who do not possess formal qualifications.


Herbalists tend to take a holistic approach to illness, treating the underlying cause of disease rather than just the symptoms. They prescribe herbal remedies to be used alongside other medication and treatments, and many patients are referred to a herbalist by their GP for treatment. In the UK herbal remedies can be sold as medicine if certain criteria are met as a one-to-one consultation.

'The Human Medicines Regulations 2012, Part 12, Chapter 3, Regulation 241, which permits a herbal practitioner to supply herbal remedies exempt from licensing provided that each remedy is manufactured or assembled on the practitioner’s premises and is supplied on the basis of a one-to-one consultation with the person receiving it’

herbal medicine tea

Our thoughts

Does ‘Some Health & Fitness Company’ endorse Herbal Medicine?

The purpose of this website and the work we do is primarily to help people make informed decisions and support people on their journey towards living a healthier life. There are many differing opinions as to the safety and effectiveness of herbal medicine and many of the other complementary therapies we talk about. Rather than tell people what is right and what is not, we instead believe in helping people make informed choices. Many alternative and complementary medicines and therapies are ineffective and can even be harmful but try telling that to the many people who believe in them.


Our philosophy is to allow people to learn and understand differing opinions by providing clear and concise information. Herbal Medicine in particular has a very ancient reputation and is very muchy still at the cutting edge of modern medicine today. That being said it isn’t the be all and end all and there is much fraud and false claims made about it. Instead of asking us whether it’s any good, perhaps you should do your own research and use the information on this site as ONE of the many resources for your research.


The information on this website is intended for general information purposes and is for educational purposes only, and to inform the reader about traditional remedies and approaches in Herbal Medicine. Individuals should always see their health care provider before administering any suggestions made on this website as it is not a replacement for professional medical advice or treatment.


Any application of the material set forth in the following web pages on this site is as the reader's discretion and is his or her own responsibility.

herbalist remedy making
apothecary jars
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A herbal is a book containing the names and descriptions of plants, usually with information on their:


medicinal, tonicculinarytoxichallucinatoryaromatic, and the legends associated with them.

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