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Exercise Database

This is the 'Some Health & Fitness Company' exercise database. All you need to do is scroll down and click on the muscle your interested in working. When you click the link a new window will open up with various exercises you could us.

male gym goer on cable machine

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To help you Lose Weight & Build Muscle

We now offer Online Personal Training Services

Do I need supplements?

Many people choose to take supplements but taking too much or taking them for too long could be harmful ...

male strength athlete using EZ Barbell
Gym Equipments

Build Muscle

Are there really any secrets to building muscle? I mean there are so many different diets and people making all sorts of claims.

Just how do I look like the guys on the Men's Health magazine cover?

Belly fat
Image by Siora Photography


Are there really any secrets to losing weight? I mean there are so many different diets and people making all sorts of claims.

Just does someone actually lose weight?

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