branched-chain amino acids
Branched-chain amino acids are essential nutrients that help support muscle metabolism and are important for building muscle tissue protein. Many athlete's and bodybuilders, take oral supplements of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to try to help with recovery from workouts and enhance athletic performance. Studies suggest that BCAAs may prevent muscle breakdown during exercise. But they are not likely to help with athletic performance.
general info
The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are essential, meaning they can’t be produced by your body and must be obtained from food. BCAA supplements have been shown to build muscle, decrease muscle fatigue and alleviate muscle soreness.
They have also successfully been used in a hospital setting to prevent or slow muscle loss and to improve symptoms of liver disease. However, because most people get plenty of BCAAs through their diet, supplementing with BCAA is unlikely to provide additional benefits, even so, they are still a popular supplement choice for athletes and bodybuilders.
Side effects.When taken up to 6 months, oral supplements of BCAAs have not often been linked with harmful side effects. However, side effects may include: Nausea, Pain, Headache.
BCAAs may interfere with blood glucose levels during and after surgery. You may also be at increased risk if you have chronic alcoholism or branched-chain ketoaciduria.
Also, avoid using BCAAs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Talk with your doctor first if you are taking: Diabetes medications, Parkinson's medications, Corticosteroids, Thyroid hormone, Proglycem (diazoxide).
Liver Disease:
BCAA supplements may improve the health outcomes of people with liver disease, while also possibly protecting against liver cancer.
Muscle Growth:
In one study, people who consumed a drink with 5.6 grams of BCAAs after their resistance workout had a 22% greater increase in muscle protein synthesis compared to those who consumed a placebo drink. That being said, this increase in muscle protein synthesis is approximately 50% less than what was observed in other studies where people consumed a whey protein shake containing a similar amount of BCAAs.
Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids needed to build muscle. Therefore, while BCAAs can increase muscle protein synthesis, they can’t do so maximally without the other essential amino acids, such as those found in whey protein or other complete protein sources. You may find it more cost effective to just supplement with protein!
Muscle Wasting:
Taking BCAA supplements can prevent the breakdown of protein in certain populations with muscle wasting.
In two studies, participants who supplemented with BCAAs improved their mental focus during exercise, which is thought to result from the fatigue-reducing effect of BCAAs.
It is always worth mentioning that you should get the advice of your doctor before you consider taking supplements especially if your looking to improve health outcomes for any possible medical conditions you may have. The internet is rife with people trying to sell you miracle cures and quick fixes for serious conditions so please consult a Doctor before trusting a random person who is trying to sell you a supplement (even if their wearing a white coat.)
Preparations & dosage
The information on this website is intended for general information purposes and is for educational purposes only, and to inform the reader about traditional remedies and approaches in Herbal Medicine. Individuals should always see their health care provider before administering any suggestions made on this website as it is not a replacement for professional medical advice or treatment.
You can get branched-chain amino acids from these foods: Whey, milk, and soy proteins, Corn Beef, chicken, fish, and eggs, Baked beans and lima beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, Whole wheat, Brown rice, Almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews Pumpkin seeds.
Supplement powders are often more popular as having a powdered form makes it easier to add to food and drink.
Always follow manufacturers guidelines for dosage.

Capsules include powder that’s enclosed in an outer shell. This outer shell is broken down in the digestive tract.
Always follow manufacturers guidelines for dosage.

Are BCAA supplements worth the money?
Answer: Probably not, if your an athlete for body builder, Protein powder might be a better option.